80's themed tots! Photographer: | Amy Boyd Models: | Luke, Joe and Cailan Docherty
Modern day children portraying a 1980's style fashion.
These little munchkins are three out of the five i have, Joe is four, Cailan is three and Luke is 6 on this shoot, they are close brothers and all have a brilliant sense of humour and perfect individual personalities, i love them to pieces. I wanted to do a fun and extremely cute shoot with the boys as they love the camera and are very photogenic! It was a freezing cold day in October last year but i couldn't resist...the location was perfect for the theme of the shoot i thought, i love the matured walls and the splashes of green and baby pink along with the rouge bricks juxtaposing with the young ones outfits! I had them do quite concentrated expressions as if they noticed something from a far. I'm not going to lie it was difficult keeping them interested and directing them, but i loved the special time we were sharing together while producing amazing photographs that the boys can look back on when they're a bit older. Some of the photographs i have posted aren't as serious as others as i thought they let the fun element shine through! I will try and post the edited ones sometime soon to give you an insight into which direction i took the shoot. The next post i am looking to make are the Wizard Of Oz themed photographs that i did again with my nephews as seen here but along with a smaller addition to the bunch little Taylor! i'll get those up ASAP for you to feast your eyes on if you love colourful and expressive photography then this is for you! Keep your eyes peeled.
sending happiness to everyone,
Amy X
How cute do they look!